Tuesday 12 April 2016

Traveling through a painting

Here's a quick look at my latest painting. I've only just started it and after a couple of layers some really interesting things are happening. Already there are gorgeous patterns, marks and real depth thats appearing.

Sometimes I love to get up close and personal to a painting to really see the textures and each little part on its own, all the parts that sometimes get lost when you look at a painting as a whole.

I also do this in art galleries, I like to get as close to a painting as possible (without touching it) to really admire each brush stroke or mark in its own glory. All these small elements are little gems that really add the beautiful depth, detail and soul to the whole painting!

I can't wait to see where this one goes!
Zoe :)

Friday 8 April 2016

Watch me painting....

I love to paint abstract pieces, this one from last year show my process of building up layers. I love to see a painting appearing as if by magic on the page!